Antifungal Activity of Biopesticides and their Effects on the Growth Parameters and Yield of Maize and Pigeon Pea
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In recent years, the search for biological methods to avoid the application of chemical products in agriculture has led to investigating the use of plant extracts and biopolymers-based materials, such as chitosan. The present work was aimed at evaluating the antifungal effect of chitosan and the aqueous extracts of the three aloe species, namely: Aloe vera, A. ferox, and A. marlothii against Cochliobolus heterostrophus on maize and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum on pigeon pea, as well as their effect on the growth parameters, severity degree and grain yields. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications
and 9 treatments. The spraying of all tested biopesticides at 7th and 14th days showed a significant increase in growth parameter (increase of shoots) on both species. The highest grain yield was observed by applying samples QTZ at 25% (6.0 t.ha-1) and AF_13 (4.2 t.ha-1) on maize, AF_13 (1.2 t.ha-1) and AF_10 (1.6 t.ha-1) on pigeon pea when compared with the positive control - Manconzeb (4.5 and 0.5 t.ha-1 for maize and pigeon pea, respectively).
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