Investigation of Polyisoprenyl Benzophenone for Anti-ulcer Potentials in Ethanol-HCl- Induced Gastric Ulcerations in Albino Rats
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Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding resulting from peptic ulcers are increasingly a common medical emergency worldwide. Endoscopic treatment and acid suppression with proton-pump inhibitors are major milestones in the management of the disease, even though these treatments options have shown promising results; therapeutic management of gastric ulcer remains a challenge. In a quest to further new drug discovery, this study was carried out to evaluate the effect of polyisoprenyl bezophenone (kolanone), an isolate from the seeds of Garcinia kola on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer the effect was compared against a known anti-ulcer drug omeprazole. Kolanone was isolated from dried seeds of Garcinia kola via a series of chromatographic separations techniques involving the use of analytical solvents in different ratio combinations. Animals were fasted for 18 h before treatment with different doses of Kolanone (25, 50 and 75 mg /kg) or omeprazole (20 mg/kg). Gastric ulcer was induced by oral administration of ethanol- acid (25 mL/kg of 0.3 M HCl in 60% ethanol). One hour later, animals were humanely euthanized and gastric mucus was analyzed for antioxidants. Kolanone showed a significant gastro-protective effect against ethanol-induced stomach ulcers at 50 and 75 mg/kg compared to omeprazole (20 mg/kg) and distilled water-treated rats. It also prevented the activation of lipid peroxidation induced by ethanol presumably by enhancing antioxidant enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase) potential and lowering lipid peroxidation (TBARS production) of the gastric mucosa thereby lowering mucosal injury. This effect may find beneficial applications in the therapy for ulcer patients and in wound healing.
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