Effect of Methanol Leaf Extract of Duranta erecta in Rats Induced with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v4i10.21
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A common disease among elderly men is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) of which oxidative stress plays important role. The present research evaluates the effect of methanol leaf extract of Duranta erecta (MLEDE) on testosterone-induced BPH in rats. The toxicity level of the extract was examined. Thirty male rats were used for the research, 5 animals served as normal control, 25 animals were induced with BPH using subcutaneous injection of testosterone for four weeks. After induction, they were grouped into five (group 2: BPH untreated, group 3 received finasteride: 3 mg/kg, group 4-6 received MEDE: 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg). Treatment lasted for three weeks. As the treatment protocol elapsed, all the animals were anesthetised. Blood were obtained via cardiac puncture for the determination of some biochemical parameters. The prostate was weighed, assayed for antioxidant activities and histologically examined. The extract was nontoxic at a dose up to 5000 mg/kg. MLEDE (at all doses) and finasteride significantly reduced the increases in prostate weight and index, serum testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, PSA and acid phosphatase caused by testosterone induction relative to the BPH rats. Testosterone induction led to increase in MDA and decreases in GSH, SOD, CAT and GPx activities that were significant but were reversed following the administration of MLEDE at all doses. The disruption of prostate histoarchitecture was improved by MLEDE. MLEDE reduced the effect of testosterone-induced BPH conceivably through enhancement of antioxidant defence system. Thus, Duranta erecta could be a promising source of herbal medicine for the management of BPH in men.
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