Ameliorative Effects of D-3-O-Methyl-chiroinositol in Acute and Sub-Chronic Cadmium Chloride Induced Hepatotoxicity

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Edwin A. Uwagie-Ero
Chinaka O. Nwaehujor


D-3-O-Methyl-chiroinositol (D3O), isolated from the stem bark of Piliostigma thonningii has a structural formula similar to phosphatidylinositol phosphate, which participates in the insulin signaling pathways that stimulate glucose transport, and is known to possess strong antioxidant activities. The purpose of the present study was to determine the ameliorative effects of D-3-O- Methyl-chiroinositol on acute and sub-chronic CdCl2-induced hepatotoxicity. Twenty-four rats were assigned to three treatment groups (n = 8). Group A (2 mL distilled water), group B: (2.5 mg/kg b.w. CdCl2 only) and group C: (2.5 mg/kg b.w. CdCl2 and D-3- O- methyl-chiroinositol, 2 mg/kg b.w.). Treatment was daily. Blood was collected from 4 animals per group and analyzed for liver enzymes and a liver section was excised for histopathological analysis at the end of months 1 and 2. The results showed a significant decrease in body and liver weights of the cadmium chloride only challenged group and an increase in the body and liver weights in the D3O-treated and normal groups. D3O significantly ameliorated (p<0.05) the effects of CdCl2 on liver enzymes as seen in the elevated levels of AST, ALP and ALT when compared to Cd Cl2 only-challenged group. Histopathological studies revealed ameliorative and proliferative (revival) changes in the liver after 60 days of treatment. The administration of D-3-O-methyl- chiroinositol provided a significant protection against CdCl2-induced hepatotoxicity and initiated proliferation of liver cells.


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How to Cite
A. Uwagie-Ero, E., & O. Nwaehujor , C. (2020). Ameliorative Effects of D-3-O-Methyl-chiroinositol in Acute and Sub-Chronic Cadmium Chloride Induced Hepatotoxicity: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(3), 80-84.

How to Cite

A. Uwagie-Ero, E., & O. Nwaehujor , C. (2020). Ameliorative Effects of D-3-O-Methyl-chiroinositol in Acute and Sub-Chronic Cadmium Chloride Induced Hepatotoxicity: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(3), 80-84.


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