Present and Future Potential of Antiparasitic Activity of Opuntia ficus-indica
Main Article Content
The prickly pear, Opuntia ficus-indica of the Cactaceae family is important in agricultural
economies throughout arid and semi-arid regions. It has multiple uses in folk medicine of
different countries since ancient times. This makes it a promising multi-purpose plant for use as
food, therapy, and other purposes. Treatment with medicinal and aromatic plants and the use of
their biologically active products, especially as anti-parasites, has become a very important and
urgent matter due to the need for new anti-parasite drugs, as a result ofthe emergence of some
strains of parasites resistant to chemotherapy. The present review highlights the importance of
Opuntia ficus-indica as antiparasitic agentand the possibility of usingOpuntia ficus-indica as the
most valuable and promising plant in the pharmaceutical industry to treat diseases caused by
infection with parasites.
Keywords: Opuntia ficus indica, Antiparasites, Plant active components, Phytotherapy.
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