Mammogenic and Lactogenic Effects of Leaf Extract and Fractions of Launaea taraxacifolia and Resveratrol in Lactating Wistar Rats
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The mammary gland is a dynamic organ subjected to structural and physiological changes during the reproductive cycle of a female animal. The aim of this study was to carry out preliminary lactogenic studies of crude methanol extract (CME), hexane (HEXF) and ethyl acetate (EAF) fractions of Launaea taraxacifolia, phytochemical screening of the CME and the effect of HEXF on mammogenesis in lactating Wistar rats. For preliminary studies, 18 lactating rats were treated with 250, 333 and 500 mg/kg each of CME, EAF and HEXF of L. taraxacifolia daily at 7.00pm and weighed. Twenty-five mature nulliparous lactating female Wistar rats were divided into five groups of 5 dams each. The dams in groups I, II, III, IV and V were treated by gavage daily at 7:00 pm with distilled water (DW, 2 ml/kg), metochlopromide (MET, 15 mg/kg), resveratrol (RES, 5 mg/kg), HEXF (333 mg/kg) and the combination of RES and HEXF (CO, 5 + 333 mg/kg), respectively. The administration commenced on day 2 through to day 16 of lactation. The results showed HEXF treated group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher milk yield compared to CME and EAF. Using thin layer chromatography (TLC), CME was positive for phenols, alkaloids, anthraquinones, flavonoids, steroids and triterpenes. Haematoxylin and eosin staining of mammary gland tissue showed greater alveolar and ductal development in PLT group than in other treatment groups. Therefore, it is concluded that n-hexane fraction of Launaea taraxacifolia enhanced milk yield and mammogenesis than the other fractions when administered during lactation.
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