Optimization of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) Extract Crude Fucoidan Algae Brown (Sargassum chrysanthemum): Design and Characterization
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Brown algae contain bioactive components meroterpenoids, fucoidan, and phlorotannins. Although research has explored the effects of fucoidan on cell differentiation and proliferation, studies on its topical application for hair growth, particularly in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, remain limited. The crude fucoidan extract from brown algae has low solubility in water and acidic environments and possesses a high molecular weight, factors that reduce its skin penetration efficacy due to increased viscosity. This study aimed to develop a Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) formulation of brown algae fucoidan extract to enhance skin penetration, targeting hair follicles and dermal papilla cells, while maintaining high physical quality and stability. The NLC formulation of brown algae fucoidan using the emulsification sonication method with monostearin, oleic acid, and tween 80. The optimization method used is Simplex Lattice Design (SLD). Optimization parameters included particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, and morphology analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Formula optimization and analysis were conducted using Design Expert software (version 10.0.1) and validated by one sample T-test. The results showed that NLC has good characterization with optimum formula components of monostearin, oleic acid and Tween 80 of 2.01%, 2.20% and 7.79%. Predicted responses yielded a mean pH of 5.10, particle size of 452.52 nm, PDI of 0.43, and entrapment efficiency of 94.83%. Verification of the optimized formula showed no significant differences in pH, particle size, or PDI, though enntrapment efficiency varied significantly. The zeta potential was measured at -23.08 mV, and TEM analysis confirmed a spherical morphology.
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