Medicinal Plants Species Most Commonly Sold by Herbalists in the Province of Marrakech, Morocco
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Morocco is home to a diverse array of plant species, and has a longstanding tradition of ethnobotanical knowledge. This cultural heritage has been preserved through the practices of traditional herbalists. This study aims to compile a comprehensive list of medicinal plants sold in the markets by the majority of herbalists in the Marrakech province. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted from June 1st to November 30th, 2021, information regarding the use of medicinal plants in Marrakech was collected from herbalists through personal interviews. A total of 86 plants were identified for the treatment of 26 diseases and various other uses. The plants were predominantly from the Asteraceae family, followed by Apiaceae and Lamiaceae. The leaves and stems were the most frequently used parts, with the majority of remedies prepared via decoction and infusion. Ammodaucus leucotrichus and Carum carvi L. exhibited the highest Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), with RFC ratios of 40%. The category of Cold ailments had the highest Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) value of 0.77. The analysis revealed that the medicinal plants available locally primarily treat digestive system diseases (21.2%), followed by urogenital issues (17.3%), metabolic disorders (15.9%), dermo-cosmetic concerns (12.5%), respiratory ailments (11.5%), osteoarticular conditions (9.6%), neurological disorders (6.3%), and cardiovascular diseases (5.8%). The findings revealed that herbalists in Marrakech region, possesses extensive knowledge of medicinal plants. However, this expertise is confined to a dwindling number of herbalists, posing a risk of disappearance of traditional knowledge as the younger generation shows little interest in preserving these practices.
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