Studies on the Effect of Musa paradisiaca on the Morphology and Microanatomy of Some Female Reproductive Organs of Animal Model
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Musa paradisiaca, a staple food abundant in Vitamins C and E, exhibits antioxidant properties and has been traditionally employed in managing reproductive health concerns. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of Musa paradisiaca aqueous extract on body weight and ovarian histomorphology in Wistar rats. Thirty adult female Wistar rats (100-150 g) were randomly divided into three groups (n=10). Group I received standard rat feed and water, Group II received a low dose of Musa paradisiaca (200 mg/kg BW), and Group III received a high dose of Musa paradisiaca (400 mg/kg BW). Extracts were administered daily via oral gavage for 21 days. Twenty-four hours after the last dose, animals were sacrificed, and the ovaries and fallopian tubes were harvested for histomorphological analysis. The results reveal a significant increase in body weight of the treated animals. Histomorphological observations showed positive effects on ovarian tissue, especially in the treated groups, revealing an improved tunica albuginea layer, increased developing follicles, and enhanced follicular and granulosa cellular architecture, while the fallopian tube showed slightly branched tubal mucosal folds, moderate and thickened epithelial layers with remarkable epithelial cell hyperplasia and condensed connective tissue stoma.
This study suggests that Musa paradisiaca may improve ovarian and fallopian cellular activities, improving female rats' overall reproductive health.
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