Toxicity Studies of Abutilon crispum and Indigofera prostrata Whole Plants on Wistar Rats
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Abutilon crispum and Indigofera prostrata are widely distributed Indian medicinal plants. They are extensively used to treat various diseases by Indian herbal medicine practitioners. Although, preclinical studies have been reported on these plants, the existing toxicological data is inadequate. This study aims to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity of Abutilon crispum and Indigofera prostrata whole plants in rats. Extracts of the plants were obtained by maceration in methanol. For the acute toxicity study, a single oral dose of 2000 mg/kg of the methanol extracts of the plants were administered to the rats, and the rats were observed for 14 days for signs of toxicity or death. For the chronic toxicity study, the rats were administered 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg of the extracts once daily for 90 days. Throughout the treatment period, the rats were observed for signs of toxicity, mortality and body weight changes. After 90 days, the animals were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for haematological and biochemical analysis, and vital organs (liver and kidneys) were used for histological examination. Acute toxicity study revealed that the methanol extracts of Indigofera prostrata and Abutilon crispum were non-toxic up to a dose of 2000 mg/kg. Similarly, in the chronic toxicity study, no significant changes were observed in the body weights, haematological and biochemical parameters of the rats. The histoarchitecture of the liver and kidneys appeared normal. Therefore, the extracts of Abutilon crispum and Indigofera prostrata whole plants are non-toxic, and is relative safe on chronic administration.
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