The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and Raw Materials Mass Comparison on the Characteristics of Briquettes from a Mixture of Rice Husk (Oryza sativa L.) and Jengkol Peel (Pithecellobium jiringa) Using Starch Adhesives

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Rondang Tambun
Zakiyah N. Aini
Dandy R. Mulya
Vikram Alexander


Briquettes offer a sustainable alternative energy source and support waste recycling, though the challenge of low calorific value remains. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of pyrolysis temperature and the ratio of rice husk (Oryza sativa L.) to jengkol peel (Pithecellobium jiringa) on briquettes quality. During the procedures, carbonization was carried out at temperatures between 400 °C and 550 °C using starch as an adhesive. The mass ratio of rice husks and jengkol peel used was 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 3:2. Subsequently, several tests were carried out, including water content, ash content, bound carbon content, and heating value. The results showed that as the pyrolysis temperature increased during carbonization, the water and ash content decreased, while the bound carbon content and heating value increased. In addition, the water, ash, and bound carbon content of briquettes produced in this study was 2%-7%, 2%-7%, and 87%-96%, respectively. The results also showed that higher temperatures as well as a 1:1 ratio yielded products with optimal characteristics, namely a calorific value of 5576.34 cal/g. Hence, the combination of rice husks and a jengkol peel produced high-quality briquettes with optimal heating value.


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How to Cite
Tambun, R., Aini, Z. N., Mulya, D. R., & Alexander, V. (2024). The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and Raw Materials Mass Comparison on the Characteristics of Briquettes from a Mixture of Rice Husk (Oryza sativa L.) and Jengkol Peel (Pithecellobium jiringa) Using Starch Adhesives. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(9), 8469-8473.
Author Biography

Vikram Alexander, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater Kampus USU, Medan, 20155, Indonesia

How to Cite

Tambun, R., Aini, Z. N., Mulya, D. R., & Alexander, V. (2024). The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and Raw Materials Mass Comparison on the Characteristics of Briquettes from a Mixture of Rice Husk (Oryza sativa L.) and Jengkol Peel (Pithecellobium jiringa) Using Starch Adhesives. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(9), 8469-8473.


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