The Antiproliferative Activity of Syzygium malaccense Fruit
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Despite recent global efforts to combat cancer through prompt diagnosis and prevention, it remains a predominant cause of death around the world. Epidemiological research has shown that frequent intake of fruits and vegetables is linked to lower risk of acquiring chronic diseases like cancer. Syzygium malaccense, an underutilized fruit, is known for its high phytochemical content and potential health benefits. This study examined the antiproliferative activity of different solvent extracts of S. malaccense fruits (flesh and peel) on human colorectal (HCT-15), cervical (HeLa), and prostate (PC-3) cancer cells in comparison to normal human prostate (PNT-2) cells. The MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay was employed to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of the extracts. The findings indicated that the extracts demonstrated different levels of antiproliferative activity against the cancer cells. The aqueous flesh (AF) and peel (AP) displayed significant activity against PC-3 and HCT-15 (IC50 = 522.12±28.65μg/mL and 837.59±48.65 µg/mL, respectively). None of the extracts had an IC50 within the range of the tested concentration on HeLa cells. When compared to the positive control, curcumin, the extracts are regarded as having weak cytotoxic effect. Moreover, the aqueous peel and flesh extracts were
not cytotoxic to the normal cell line, indicating the safety of the fruits on daily consumption. The findings showed that the aqueous extract of S. malaccense fruit, contains compounds with antiproliferative activity. Despite the neglected status of S. malaccense fruit, this study supports the need to improve its utilization and identify the bioactive compounds responsible for its antiproliferative activity.
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