Pro-fertility Effects of Gboma Eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon ) Leaf Extract in Female Albino Rats
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Fertility enhancement has been the subject of research for many years; more so due to the observed decline in fertility worldwide. Solanum macrocarpon has been widely acclaimed for its medicinal and antioxidant properties. However, its effects on fertility parameters have not been reported. This study evaluated the impact of ethanol leaf extract of S. macrocarpon (ELESM) on fertility parameters in female albino rats. Thirty (30) female rats of about 10 – 12 weeks of age were separated into six groups administered 0.5 ml of distilled water (placebo), 400mg/kg ELESM, 800mg/kg ELESM, 10 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CP) + placebo, 10mg/kg CP + 400mg/kg ELESM, and 10mg/kg CP + 800mg/kg ELESM, respectively. After treatment (42 days), the females were mated with normal (untreated) adult male rats. The ELESM-treated rats exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) higher numbers of primary/secondary follicles, antral follicles and corpora lutea than the control groups. Cross-section of the ovaries of female rats showed normal histoarchitecture and healthy follicles at various developmental stages in the control and ELESMtreated rats, as well as improvement in histoarchitecture of CP + ELESM rats, compared with the CP + placebo group. Although the ELESM-treated animals had slightly higher fertility index, there was no statistical difference (p > 0.05) between their live foetal numbers, mean foetus weights, mean foetal crown-rump lengths, number of resorbed embryos, and fertility index compared with those of the normal control. The findings suggest the pro-fertility effects of the extract in female rats and the potential to ameliorate cyclophosphamide-induced gonadal toxicity.
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