Anti-wrinkle Effectiveness of Clay Stick Mask Formulation of Jackfruit Leaf Ethanol Extract with Scanning Electron Microscopy
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Reactive Oxygen Species can reduce collagen density in the skin, causing wrinkles, characterized by indentations on the skin's surface. Preventing wrinkles may be achieved by using a clay stick mask arrangement with jackfruit (ArtocarpusheterophyllusLamk.) leaf ethanol extract. The ethanol extract of jackfruit leaves contains alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, saponin, and quercetin compounds of 6.84 mg/g with moderate antioxidant activity. The clay stick mask has been shown to offer ultra protection that has the potential as an anti-wrinkle. This research aims to evaluate the anti-wrinkle activity of the clay stick mask. An experimental method includes a clay stick mask base, a retinol clay stick mask, and a 5% and 10% concentration clay stick mask. The anti-wrinkle activity of clay stick masks was tested in vivo using male white rats. The test results showed that clay stick masks with retinol and 10% concentration were more effective in inhibiting epidermal thickening. Observation made with a 75 mm diameter lup showed that the retinol clay stick mask had the best results. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to study the skin parameters such as wrinkles. Rat with negative, positive control groups, 5% and 10% clay stick mask treatment groups obtained the results of wrinkle scores successively: 0.33 ± 0.57, 1.33 ± 0.57, 0.33 ± 0.57. Based on the statistical analysis, there was a significant contrast between the negative control group and the others. Clay stick masks were able to protect skin damage due to UV exposure which can accelerate aging and wrinkles.
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