Acute (One-Hour) Inhalation toxicological study of Cashew Nut Shell (Anacardium occidentale L.) Fumes in Wistar Rats and Exotic Cockerel Chickens

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Tunmise T. Oladipe
Oladunni O. Falola
Abayomi A. Taiwo
Paul I. Emeje
Elizabeth Dangana
Agenyi Omeje
Favour Maha
Temitope Saliu
Augustina Clement
Nafisat Aliyu
Abayomi Ajayi


Local folks have reported that roasting cashew nuts has fatal effects on domestic birds, especially chickens. This study compared the toxicological effect of acute (one-hour) inhalation of cashew nutshell fumes (CNSF) in Cockerel chickens and Wistar rats. Twenty-four mixed-sex Wistar rats were divided into four groups; control, rats exposed to 500ppm/hr., 1250ppm/hr. and 2500ppm/hr. of CNSF for one (1) hour. The chickens were also divided into three groups of 6 chickens each; control (unexposed chickens), chickens exposed to 500ppm/hr. and 1000ppm/hr. of CNSF for one (1) hour. Hematological analysis as well as histological examinations of the lungs and heart of the Chickens and Rats were carried out. After one hour of exposure, the toxicity signs noted include; scratching, twitching, irregular breathing, and tremors. All rats exposed to 2500ppm/hr of CNSF died with moderate pulmonary congestion. Analysis of hematological parameters in the surviving animals showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in hemoglobin (Hb%), packed cell volume (PCV%) and white blood cells (WBCx109L) counts in both chickens and Wistar rats exposed to CNSF compared with the unexposed control groups. No significant (P>0.05) differences were found between male and female rats for all the hematological parameters measured. The results also showed species-specific variations in all the hematological parameters. Histopathological evaluation reflects a mononuclear inflammatory infiltration of the striated heart muscles and the septa of alveoli in the lungs. These results further highlight the possible adverse health effects of exposure to cashew nut fumes in animals and humans.


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How to Cite
Oladipe, T. T., Falola, O. O., Taiwo, A. A., Emeje, P. I., Dangana, E., Omeje, A., Maha, F., Saliu, T., Clement, A., Aliyu, N., & Ajayi, A. (2024). Acute (One-Hour) Inhalation toxicological study of Cashew Nut Shell (Anacardium occidentale L.) Fumes in Wistar Rats and Exotic Cockerel Chickens. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(8), 8244-8249.

How to Cite

Oladipe, T. T., Falola, O. O., Taiwo, A. A., Emeje, P. I., Dangana, E., Omeje, A., Maha, F., Saliu, T., Clement, A., Aliyu, N., & Ajayi, A. (2024). Acute (One-Hour) Inhalation toxicological study of Cashew Nut Shell (Anacardium occidentale L.) Fumes in Wistar Rats and Exotic Cockerel Chickens. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(8), 8244-8249.


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