Antioxidant Capacity and Phytochemical Analysis of the Traditional Thai Remedy Benchalokawichian
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Benchalokawichian (BLW) is recognized as a medicinal herb in Thailand and is used for its antipyretic properties. This remedy includes five plant roots: Clerodendrum indicum (CI), Capparis micracantha (CM), Ficus racemosa (FR), Harrisonia perforata (HP), and Tiliacora triandra (TT). The present study investigated the phytochemicals, total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant potential of BLW and its herbal components. Phytochemical screening of the six extracts identified flavonoids, phenolics, and terpenoids. TPC quantification using a spectroscopic method indicated that the TT extract had the most quantity (55.97±0.49 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g). Evaluating total antioxidant capacity through the DPPH free radical scavenging assay revealed that the HP extract showed the most antioxidant activity, with an IC50 value of 23.69±4.05 μg/mL. The FR extract displayed the most active superoxide radical scavenging activity (63.77±1.12% inhibition of superoxide) according to the riboflavin-light-nitroblue tetrazolium assay. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) were used to measure lipid peroxidation, indicating the BLW extract was the most potent (75.30±0.47% inhibition of malondialdehyde). The TT extract exhibited the highest reducing power (0.47±0.023 mM Fe2+/mg) – measuring the transformation of ferrous to ferric iron in the extract’s presence. These preliminary findings suggest that the ethanol root extracts of HP and TT exhibit strong antioxidant activity by scavenging free radicals, and the BLW treatment effectively prevents lipid peroxidation. The use of BLW may be beneficial in preventing chronic, non-communicable diseases that are linked to reactive oxygen species, such as diabetes mellitus
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