Dexamethasone Induction of Metabolic Syndrome and Remediation By Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review

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Shehu-Tijani T. Shittu
Olajumoke J. Ogundele
Seyyid A. Shittu
Grace O. Isehunwa
Ayobami O. Afolabi
Taye J. Lasisi


Dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, is clinically used during allergic reactions and autoimmune disorders. Long-term usage, at high doses, has however been associated with detrimental effects including the development of metabolic syndrome (MS), thus, it is employed in experimental induction of MS in animal models. Medicinal plants are rich in phytochemicals, naturally occurring chemicals in plants, that have been shown to have health-promoting properties that mitigate several disease conditions. This systematic review aimed to identify the effectiveness of medicinal plants in mitigating the complications associated with MS induced by dexamethasone. The preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA) were employed in this study. A literature search was conducted between October and November, 2023 using electronic databases to identify studies related to dexamethasone, metabolic syndrome, and medicinal plants using search words such as dexamethasone, metabolic syndrome, and medicinal plants. A total of thirty-four experimental studies were retrieved and systematically analyzed. The studies consistently demonstrated that dexamethasone administration is associated with the development of MS and that medicinal plants were efficacious in reversing the adverse effects of dexamethasone-induced MS. However, the mechanisms involved in reversing the adverse effects require further elucidation, particularly at the molecular level.


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How to Cite
Shittu, S.-T. T., Ogundele, O. J., Shittu, S. A., Isehunwa, G. O., Afolabi, A. O., & Lasisi, T. J. (2024). Dexamethasone Induction of Metabolic Syndrome and Remediation By Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(8), 7930-7940.

How to Cite

Shittu, S.-T. T., Ogundele, O. J., Shittu, S. A., Isehunwa, G. O., Afolabi, A. O., & Lasisi, T. J. (2024). Dexamethasone Induction of Metabolic Syndrome and Remediation By Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(8), 7930-7940.


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