Investigating the Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extracts from <i>Moringa oleifera</i> and <i>Carica papaya</i> on Chloramphenicol-Induced Anaemia in Wistar Rats

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Abdirasak Sharif Ali
Yahye Ahmed Nageye
Kizito Eneye Bello


This study examined the hematinic effect of the aqueous leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera (MOAE) and Carica papaya (CPAE). Thirty-six physically fit and disease-free rats in adulthood were partitioned into six groups, consisting of six rats per group. Group 1 acted as the non-anemic control group and was given 5ml/kg of distilled water. Anemia was generated in rats in groups 2 to 6 with the oral administration of chloramphenicol at a dosage of 50 mg/kg. Group 2 acted as the anemic control group and was given 5ml/kg of distilled water. Group 3 was given 100 mg/kg of ferrous gluconate. Groups 4 to 6 were given 500 mg/kg of MOAE, 500 mg/kg of CPAE, and a combination of 500 mg/kg of MOAE and 500 mg/kg of CPAE, respectively. The treatment was administered orally for 28 days, following which the PCV, Hb, and WBC count of the animal models were examined. The results demonstrated that chloramphenicol caused a statistically significant reduction in PVC and Hb, indicating anemia, as well as a significant rise in WBC count. MOAE and CPAE resulted in a statistically significant rise in PCV and Hb levels, along with a reduction in white blood cell (WBC) count. The hematinic impact seen when the extracts were given together was significantly greater (p< 0.05) than when either extract was given alone. The extracts of Moringa oleifera and Carica papaya showed an additional blood-building impact when given together. This observation may be beneficial for managing anemia.

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How to Cite
Ali, A. S., Nageye, Y. A., & Bello, K. E. (2024). Investigating the Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extracts from <i>Moringa oleifera</i> and <i>Carica papaya</i> on Chloramphenicol-Induced Anaemia in Wistar Rats. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(7), 7765–7769.


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