In Vivo Comparative Study Between Articaine and Mepivacaine on Hepatic and Pancreatic Function Using Diabetic Rat Model
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Local anaesthetics with amide bases are generally thought to be safe to use. However, there is
little research on its safety in diabetic individuals. The current study aimed to assess two widely
used amide-based local anaesthetics, articaine and mepivacaine, in the context of healthy and
diabetic rats to determine their impact and safety. A total of 30 male rats divided into two groups
(healthy and diabetic groups) were used for this study. The rats were injected with local
anaesthetic agents (articaine or mepivacaine). The rats' biochemical parameters were compared
in order to assess the impact of various medications. The study's findings showed that, in
comparison to the effects of articaine, mepivacaine considerably raised the levels of blood sugar
(BS), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), and amylase in healthy
rats. In diabetic rats, mepivacaine significantly increased BS, AST, ALT and amylase levels
compared with articaine (p<0.001).
In contrast, the increase in this group was higher than in healthy rats. However, the gammaglutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) level showed non-significant differences compared to the control
group in both groups. Articaine induced the least change in biochemical parameter levels in
healthy and diabetic rats compared to mepivacaine.
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