Phytochemical and Pharmacological Activities of Cucumis sativus: An Updated Review
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Due to the rising demand for cost-effective herbal medicines as alternatives to expensive synthetic drugs, investigations into the pharmacological properties of medicinal plants have witnessed a remarkable surge. Cucumis sativus, a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, is a popular vegetable crop that possesses a wealth of phytoconstituents linked to various therapeutic applications. Accordingly, this review explores the recent phytochemical and pharmacological information on Cucumis sativus aimed at providing an updated template for its possible development as a therapeutic agent for various disorders. In this study, several databases were searched to ascertain the active compounds in Cucumis sativus and to identify the reported pharmacological activities in In-vitro and In-vivo studies. Findings from this review highlight the diverse pharmacological actions of Cucumis sativus, including anti-microbial, anti-cancer, cytotoxic, wound healing, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, analgesic, and hepatoprotective effects. Also, this study noted a paucity of literature information on the neuroprotective and reproductive activities of Cucumis sativus in experimental models. Altogether, this review provides updated information and highlights the potential of Cucumis sativus for future pharmaceutical investigations and the possible development of drugs that can be useful in the management of various disorders.
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