Nutritional Evaluation of Some Commercial Infant Formula Consumed in Misurata-Libya


  • Mohamed A. Elbagermi Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata, P.O. Box, 1338 Misurata, Libya
  • Howell G.M. Edwards Raman Spectroscopy Group, University Analytical Centre, Division of Chemical and Forensic Sciences, University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK.
  • Adel I. Alajtal Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata, P.O. Box, 1338 Misurata, Libya
  • Nada A. Alsedawi Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata, P.O. Box, 1338 Misurata, Libya


Infant formula,, Misurata-Libya,, Nutritional evaluation,, Pesticide.


Baby food for infants and young children conforms to a set of strict guidelines e.g. maximum levels for pesticide residues, microbiological contamination. In this study the nutritive value of some commercial baby food commonly consumed in Misrata, Libya was evaluated chemically including determination of pesticide residues and bacterial contamination. The protein contents
differed significantly among most of the examined baby food and ranged from 7.5% to 13.4% while the fat contents of the infant formulas ranged from 1.79% to 13.2%. The actual protein and fat contents were lower than that declared on the label in all the baby foods evaluated. The crude fiber content was in the range of 5.68 – 15.73% for the Pulp of fruits and from 13.85 – 20.45%
for dried fruits and vegetables. All samples in this study had low ascorbic acid content and total dissolved solids content and did not meet Libyan standard/specifications. The data presented showed that all of the pesticide residues monitored were observed to be in the concentrations below the limit of detection (LOD). All products analyzed during the study did not reveal any bacterial contamination. In Conclusion, there were discrepancies between the actual chemical composition of the infant formulas and those declared by the manufactures on their labels. Further studies are required to evaluate the chemical composition of infant formulas on a greater number of brands to ensure the accuracy of the contents declared on their labels.


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How to Cite

A. Elbagermi, M., G.M. Edwards, H., I. Alajtal, A., & A. Alsedawi, N. (2018). Nutritional Evaluation of Some Commercial Infant Formula Consumed in Misurata-Libya: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 2(1), 51–56. Retrieved from