Potential Reproductive Toxicity Of Lacatomtom Drink In Male Wistar Rats
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Stimulant consumption among Nigerian youths has emerged as a critical public health concern with fatal concoctions like methylated alcohol with soda and Lacatomtom (LTT) replacing drug abuse. This study investigated the impact of lacatomtom drink on reproductive parameters of male Wistar rats. Twenty- five male Wistar rats weighing 190g were randomly grouped into 5 groups of 5, for the following treatments: Group A: (normal control) 0.5 ml distilled water, Group B: (positive control) 0.5 ml Lacasera, Group C: 125 mg/kg LTT, Group D: 250 mg/kg LTT, Group E: 500 mg/kg LTT, orally daily for 30 days. At end of experiment, the animals were anaesthetized, and sampled: Blood was evaluated for testosterone, sperm count and sperm cell characteristics were analyzed from the caudal epididymis, and testes, processed for histomorphology. Lacatomtom had no significant (p >0.05) effect on sperm count, morphology and viability relative to the control. Significant (p <0.05) increase in sluggish sperms was observed in animals treated with LTT at 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg dosages relative to the control. There was a significant (p <0.05) decrease in serum testosterone levels in animals treated with LTT at 125 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg relative to the positive control and a significant increase in the serum testosterone levels of the positive control group relative to the normal control. None of the LTT-treated rats had aberrant testicular histoarchitecture. Lacatomtom may reduce testosterone levels and increase sluggish sperm cells, which might impede sperm's capacity to reach and fertilise the egg, affecting male reproductive function.
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