Effects of Fertilizer and Accession on the Nutrient and Antinutrient Composition of the Leaf of Senecio biafrae
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Despite the promising opportunities for nutrition, health, and income generation in Senecio biafrae, this leafy green vegetable has not been brought into the regular vegetable production systems due to it being comparably slower in growth than other veggies at the early growth stage, especially without fertilizer application. Studies on the effects of fertilizer and cultivar on its nutrients and antinutrients are scanty in the literature. The effects of Senecio biafrae accessions (Odo-Oro and Orin-Odo), fertilizers:100% poultry manure (PM) (5 tonnes/ha), 100% NPK 15:15:15 (100 kg/ha), 50% NPK + 50% PM (50 kg/ha NPK + 2.5 tonnes/ha PM) and control (no fertilizer applied) on the nutrients and antinutrients of its fresh leaves were analyzed using standard laboratory procedures. Fertilizer and accession notably (P<0.05) affected the proximate, minerals and antinutrients. Crude protein ranged from 4.10-4.41%, crude fiber 0.86-1.15% and crude fat 0.93-1.20%. Potassium was in the range 217.25-254.31 mg/100 g, magnesium 36.04-37.53 mg/100 g, calcium 197.19-273.33 mg/100 g, manganese 4.62-8.95 mg/100 g, iron 5.85-9.05 mg/100 g, zinc 0.71-0.98 mg/100 g, phosphorus 334.63-404.25 mg/100 g and sodium 20.19-21.68 mg/100 g. Phytate ranged from 1.28-1.37 mg/100 g, polyphenol 21.50-23.56 mg/100 g, oxalate 0.81-0.87 mg/100 g, and hydrogen cyanide 0.21-0.23 mg/100 g in the fresh leaves. Orin-Odo demonstrated superior nutrient quality. The fertilizers enhanced the nutrients and did not significantly increase most of the antinutrients higher than the control. This implies, fertilizer application in the production of Senecio biafrae may not significantly increase anti-nutrients in its leaves and should be encouraged for its production.
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Baiyeri SO, Samuel-Baiyeri CCA, Ndukwe OO. Proximate, mineral, vitamin, and anti-nutrient content of Senecio biafrae. J Agr Sci. (Belgrade). 2023a; 68(1):67-79.
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