Exploring Purple Sweet Potato Pigment as An Eco-Friendly Titration Indicator for Acid Determination

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Maria A.U. Leba
Erly G. Boelan
Maximus M. Taek
Sisilia D.B. Mau
Juvencio de C. Ruas
Maria B. Tukan
Adilson de C. Ruas
Noemia A. Ruas
Yustina D. Lawung
Aloisius M. Kopon
Faderina Komisia
Anselmus B. Baunsele


Ipomea batatas L., or purple sweet potato (PSP) tubers, are sources of anthocyanin, a pigment that can show colour  changes at different pH values. The aims of this study are to explore the phytochemical content, colour  characteristics, stability, precision, and accuracy of PSP pigment (PSPP) as a titration indicator. Further, PSPP was applied as a titration indicator for acid (H+) determination. PSPP was extracted with medical-grade ethanol (PSPP-MG) and analysis-grade ethanol (PSPP-AG). This study showed PSPP-MG and PSPP-AG contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and steroids.  They showed red colour  at pH 1-2, pink at pH 3-6, and purple at pH 7. At pH 8–9, they were blue, turned to green at pH 10–11, and yellow at pH 12–14. These pigments were stable for 90 days at room temperature in tropical areas (25–30 0C) and showed clear colour  changes at the endpoint of titrations with good precision and accuracy. Furthermore, PSPP-MG and PSPP-AG are used as titration indicators for H+ determination. The results of this study highlight the performance of PSPP-MG and PSPP-AG for H+ determination in HCl samples. Both of these pigments were able to show clear colour  changes at the endpoint of the HCl sample titration. They were able to show a similar value of H+ concentration as determined using phenolphthalein. Thus, PSPP can be used as titration indicator replacing phenolphthalein. Using this pigment as a titration indicator is cheaper, easier to obtain, easier to prepare, and environmentally friendly.


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How to Cite
Leba, M. A., Boelan, E. G., Taek, M. M., Mau, S. D., Ruas, J. de C., Tukan, M. B., Ruas, A. de C., Ruas, N. A., Lawung, Y. D., Kopon, A. M., Komisia, F., & Baunsele, A. B. (2024). Exploring Purple Sweet Potato Pigment as An Eco-Friendly Titration Indicator for Acid Determination. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(6), 7403-7409. https://doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v8i6.10

How to Cite

Leba, M. A., Boelan, E. G., Taek, M. M., Mau, S. D., Ruas, J. de C., Tukan, M. B., Ruas, A. de C., Ruas, N. A., Lawung, Y. D., Kopon, A. M., Komisia, F., & Baunsele, A. B. (2024). Exploring Purple Sweet Potato Pigment as An Eco-Friendly Titration Indicator for Acid Determination. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(6), 7403-7409. https://doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v8i6.10


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