Radiofrequency (4g) Exposure Effects on Dentate Gyrus structure and Function in Wistar rats: Pre- vs. Postnatal Impact
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The study investigates 4G radiofrequency-modulated electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) impact on prenatal/postnatal neurogenesis in Wistar rats' dentate gyrus, crucial for memory and learning, amid concerns over gadget-related RF exposure. Thirty-five pregnant female Wistar rats were randomly assigned into seven groups (n=5/group): A-G. Group A was the control, while the rest were exposed to varying durations of electromagnetic fields. At birth, four pups/group were euthanized; the rest were exposed until postnatal day 35. Neurobehavioral tests (Y-maze, Open field), histological (Haematoxylin & Eosin), Immunohistochemical (Ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1, caspase-3 assays), neurotransmitters (glutamate, serotonin, dopamine, Gamma Amino Butyric Acid), and Enzymes (Cytochrome-c-oxidase assay) were evaluated in dentate gyrus pre and postnatally. Radiofrequency radiation had mixed effects on dentate gyrus functions, impacting behavior both positively and negatively. Neurotransmitter and enzyme assays indicated mild negative effects, while histological and immunohistochemical analyses revealed aberrations in both pre and postnatal exposure groups. Altogether, 4G RF induced mild alterations in the overall structure of the dentate gyrus which could interfere with neurogenesis and neural plasticity.
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