Role of New Nanosized Feed Additives as Inhibitors of Certain Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria and as Anti-Mycotoxigenic Agents
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Recently, because of the world's critical conditions, the development of new feed additives and the creation of non-traditional double-function feed additives are essential and for improving feeds quality by reducing the content of certain bio-contaminants. This study aimed to reduce environmental pollutants and create effective and economical inhibitors of bio-contaminants by evaluating the aptitude of these feed additives such as particles Miswak (Salvadora persica), black mulberry leaves, and seaweeds (Sargassum linifolium and Posidonia oceanica) algae with different concentrations (500 and 1000 µl) and (50 and 100 µl) before and after nanosizing process, respectively, to reduce the growth of certain gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as Enterobacter cloacae and Staphylococcus aureus, , as well as the production of the fungus Aspergillus flavus aflatoxin (B1). Our data illustrated that all the tested particles of Miswak, black mulberry leaves, and Sargassum linifolium and Posidonia oceanica algae possessed antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria, which increased after the nanosizing process, but S. aureus was more susceptible to the tested nanosized treatments than E. cloacae. Treatments with nanosized Miswak had the greatest inhibitory effect on both tested bacteria, with 96.84% regarding S. aureus and 95.185% in the case of E. cloacae at a concentration of 50 μl and dilution10-6. The aflatoxin detoxification capabilities of these treatments were tested. Posidonia oceanica (P.O.) particles were the best detoxifier agent before and after the nanosizing process, followed by blue mulberry leaves and S. linifolium particles. Nanosized treatments, especially Posidonia oceanica, an antibacterial and aflatoxin detoxifier agent, are recommended.
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