Phytochemical Profiling of Balinese Alkaloid-Source Plant Purnajiwa (Kopsia arborea Blume. and Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn.)
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Purnajiwa is a popular traditional Balinese plant that grows in several locations in Bali and has been used empirically to treat disease. The latest study confirmed that there were two plants known as Purnajiwa in Bali (Kopsia arborea Blume and Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch) Benn.) Nevertheless, both plants are still used for the same purpose. The Kopsia and Euchresta genus are sources of novel and bioactive alkaloidal compounds. This research aimed to identify and compare the phytochemicals of Purnajiwa (K. arborea Blume and Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch) Benn) extract collected from three regions in Bali, namely Jimbaran, Mambal, and Bedugul. The phytochemicals of ethanol crude extract of Purnajiwa fruit and leaves were identified using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The findings revealed an assortment of phytochemicals. Aspidospermidin, kopsinine, quebrachamin, and tabersonin were the alkaloids identified in the K. arborea fruit. There were more alkaloids in K. arborea sample collected from Mambal compared to the Jimbaran sample. In comparison, matrine alkaloids were identified in the fruit and leaves of E.horsfieldii. The results show the influence of habitat and geographic location on the phytochemical profiling of medicinal plants. In conclusion, there are varieties of phytochemicals, especially alkaloids in Purnajiwa (K. arborea Blume. and Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn) collected from three different locations in Bali.
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