Cytotoxic and Antiproliferative Effects of Yellow Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) Juice Against T47D Breast Cancer and HeLa Cervical Cancer Cell Lines
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Several reports have shown the antitumor activity of yellow passion fruit (YPF) (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa), but limited studies are exploring its mechanism. This study aimed to examine the antitumor mechanism of YPF juice on T47D and HeLa cell lines. The YPF juice was administered at doses of 0.25 IC50, 0.5 IC50, and IC50. The cytotoxic mechanism of YPF juice was determined by assessing the antiproliferative effects and apoptosis induction. The antiproliferative effects were assessed based on doubling time with MTT assay, while apoptosis induction and cell cycle were examined using flow cytometry with annexin-V and propidium iodide staining. The results showed that the doubling time of T47D and HeLa cells treated with YPF juice was longer than control cells. There was an increase significantly in the average number of apoptosis of T47D and HeLa cells treated with YPF juice. At a dose equivalent to IC50, the HeLa cell cycle was inhibited, leading to a 13% reduction in the G0-G1 phase. Whereas in T47D cells, almost all cells were in the sub-G0 phase, indicating cell cycle arrest across all phases. The results proved that YPF juice inhibited the cell cycle and increased apoptosis of T47D breast cancer cells and HeLa cervical cancer cells.
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