Gas Chromatography Analysis, Mineral Contents and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Sonchus maritimus
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Sonchus maritimus belongs to Asteraceae family. It is a well-known medicinal plant for its phytochemicals and therapeutic values. This paper aimed to investigate the phytochemicals, Gas chromatography analysis of leaves aqueous extract of Sonchus maritimus and to estimate its anti inflammatory propriety. Quantitative and qualitative phytochemical including GC analysis were carried out using studied protocols. Anti-inflammatory activity of extract was also evaluated using inhibition of protein denaturation and anti-hemolysis assays. The phytochemical screening of the leaves aqueous extract of S. maritimus demonstrated the presence of phenols, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, sponins, unsaturated steroids and derived steroids whereas the absence of alkaloids and reducing compounds. The results of quantitative analysis showed that S. maritimus has
significant amounts of flavonoids and condensed tannins in addition to a reasonable amount of phenols. In addition to important content of phytominerals including sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese. GC results showed that the leaves extract of S. maritimus contained a large number of different molecules, among abundant volatile compounds; 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl-, Ethylene glycol - Adipate - Diethylene glycol, Cyclotrisiloxane, and hexamethyl. The extract of S. mritimus was exhibited an important activity to inhibit the albumin denaturation (IC50 334.369±29 µg/mL) and to protect erythrocytes against hemolysis (IC50 53.539 ± 4.64 µg/ mL). In conclusion, the abundance of volatile phytocompounds in the leaves aqueous extract of S. maritimus could indicate distinct biological activities while the therapeutic molecules are used as new pharmaceutical products to treat diverse diseases in the future
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