A New Subspecies and Two New Records of the Genus Alpinia from Lao PDR
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Alpinia Roxb. is the largest genus within the tribe Alpinieae, subfamily Alpinioideae, and family Zingiberaceae, with more than 250 species. A newly discovered subspecies of the rare Zingiberaceae plant Alpinia intermedia Gagnep. ssp. aurea Maknoi and Saensouk was recently identified in the Youd Ou District of Phongsali Province, Lao PDR. In addition, Alpinia latilabris Ridl. and Alpinia nobilis Ridl. are new discoveries previously unreported from Lao PDR. These plants have significant potential for usage as both food and traditional medicine. Alpinia nobilis Ridl. was collected from Ban Lane Toui Village, Youd Ou district, Phongsali Province, Lao PDR. Alpinia latilabris Ridl. was obtained from Pakkading District, Bolikhamxay Province, Lao PDR. The content includes a thorough description and scientific research on the ecological factors, timing of natural phenomena, geographical distribution, utilization, and visual evidence. This study aims to present a new subspecies and two new records of the genus Alpinia from Lao PDR.
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