In vitro Assessment of Biological and Cytotoxic Activity of Methanol Seed Extract of Jordanian Mirabilis jalapa L
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Mirabilis jalapa L. has been used traditionally in herbal medicine for various purposes, including as a laxative, diuretic, and treatment of inflammations and fever, as it contains various phytochemical compounds. The present study aims to analyze the phytochemical and lipidic profiles of M. jalapa and characterize its methanol seed extract. It also investigates the antioxidant activity, total protein and phenol contents, and anti-inflammatory, antihemolytic, cytotoxic, and antioxidant activities using established methods. The phytochemical profile of the plant was determined with LC-MS and FTIR. Results of the study revealed that the methanol seed extract showed high anti-inflammatory (92.7%) and antioxidant (59.97%) potentials, with moderate antihemolytic (29.3%) activity. Further analysis of the extract showed antiproliferative activity against various cancer cell lines, namely, Prostate DU-145 (49.3%), Lung cancer HCC95 (45.4%), Breast Cancers MDA-MB-231 (38.2%) and 600MPE (24.1%). The methanol seed extract of M. jalapa contains significant quantities of various phytochemicals that may have been responsible for its antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-hemolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
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